The spiritual practices of Rumi - Radical Techniques for Beholding the Divine
Will Johnson
"Everything you see has its roots in the unseen world.
The forms may change, yet the essence remains the same.
Every wonderful sight will vanish, every sweet word will fade,
But do not be disheartened,
The source they come from is eternal, growing branching out, giving new life and new joy.
Why do you weep?
The source is within you,
And this whole world is springing up from it.
The source is full,
And its waters are ever flowing.
Do not grieve, drink your fill.
Don't think it will ever run dry, this is the endless ocean."
"When we fall in love, through encountering the gaze of a great friend, something entirely
different may begin to occur between us. It's not just body that copulates with body, but soul
that copulates with soul, and through the divine intercourse that transpires the two lovers
impregnate each other and give birth, not to a child, but to this great ground of being itself.
They allow this great ground to use their bodies as a conduit through which it can manifest
itself here on Earth. "
"Ida Rolf, somatic teachers of the 20th century explained: "Vision is touch at a distance"
"Illusions The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah"
Richard Bach
"We are game-playing, fun having creatures, we are the otters of the universe.
We cannot die, we cannot hurt ourselves any more than illusions on the screen can be hurt. But we can believe we're hurt in whatever agonizing detail we want. We can believe we're victims, killed and killing, shuddered around by good luck and bad luck."
"he image is a dream. The beauty is real. Can you see the difference?"
"If you will practice being fictional for a while, You will understand that fictional characters are sometimes more real than people with bodies and heartbeats."
"Like attracts like. Just be who you are, calm and clear and bright. Automatically as we shine who we are, asking ourselves every minute is tis what I really want to do, doing it only when we answer yes, automatically that turns away those who have nothing to learn from who we are and attracts those who do, and from whom we have to learn, as well."
"You know mister, I think you're fake," said the next caller.
"Of course I'm fake! We're all fakes on this whole world, we're all pretending to be something that we're not. We are not bodies walking around, we are not atoms and molecules, we are unkillable undestroyable ideas of the Is, no matter how much we believe otherwise"
"The Concealed Art of the Soul - theories of Self and Practices of Truth in Indian Ethics and
Jonardon Ganeri
"As fire is enveloped in smoke, and a mirror obscured by dust, as an embryo is concealed by the womb, so is the self covered by that desire. Knowledge is concealed by this perpetual enemy of the knower, this insatiable fire in the form of desire. "
"Know the self as a rider in a chariot:
And the body simply the chariot.
Know the intellect as the charioteer,
And the mind as simply the reins.
The senses, they say, are the horses,
And sense objects are the paths around them.
He who is linked to the body, senses and mind,
The wise proclaim as the one who enjoys. "
"A path with heart"
A guide through the perils and promises of spiritual life"
Jack Kornfield
"For a deeper healing of the conflicts of the mind, we need to let go of our identification with
them. To heal, we must learn to step back from all the stories of the mind, for the conflicts and
opinions of our thoughts never end. When we see that the mind's very nature is to think, to
divide, to plan, we can release ourselves from its iron grip of separation and come to rest in
the body and heart. In this way we step out of our identification, out of our expectations,
opinions, and judgments and the conflicts to which they give rise. The mind thinks of the self
as separate, the heart knows better."
"We become angry either when we are hurt and in pain or when we are afraid. If you pay
attention to the fear or pain first, does the anger even appear? Anger shows us precisely where
we are stuck, where our limits are, where we cling to beliefs and fears. The strength of our
anger reveals the amount of our attachment. Yet we know our attachment is optional. Our
anger, conditioned by our viewpoint on that day, is impermanent, its a feeling with associated
sensations and thoughts that come and go. Usually our anger is based on our limited ideas of
what should happen. Instead of getting involved in how we want the story written, we can
begin to face and understand the forces from which anger arises."
"In Diamond Sutra it says: world appears like a play of light and colour, as a star at dawn, as a
rainbow, as clouds, and as a mirage. Everything that appears is singing one song, which is the
song of emptiness and fullness. We experience the world of phenomena and consciousness of
light and dark, playing themselves out in a dance without separation."
"One is expected to learn all these roles as a spiritual practice, to chop wood or carry water
when it is time, to sit like a mountain, cook like a grandmother, and laugh like a Buddha. Our
consciousness contains all these roles and more, the hero and lover, the hermit, the dictator,
the wise woman, and the fool."
"The Earthsea quartet"
Ursula Le Guin
"When I was young I had to choose between the life of being and the life of doing. And I
leapt at the latter like a trout to a fly. But each deed you do, each act, binds you to itself and to its consequences and makes you act again and yet again. Then very seldom do you come upon a space, a time like this between act and act, when you may stop and simply be. Or wonder who, after all, you are."
"Do nothing because it is righteous, or praiseworthy or noble, to do so; do nothing because it seems good to do so. Do only that which you must do, and which you cannot do in any other way."
"Aztec Christic Magic"
Samael Aun Weor
"The four points of the cross are science, philosophy, art and mysticism."
"Love converts us into gods. When the precious feathered Quatzal serpent rises through the vertebral column, it transforms itself into Quetzalcoatl, into the marvellous bird of all
transformations, into the Minerva Bird whose terrific secrets cannot be revealed by any
initiate. Then, the sacred fire of the Holy Spirit flourishes upon our lips and is made verb.
Under the influx of our word, the fire, the air, the water and the earth will obey and adore us."
"The Secret Teachings of the Popol Vuh"
Tovar, Licea
"The four points of the cross are science, philosophy, art and mysticism."
"Love converts us into gods. When the precious feathered Quatzal serpent rises through the vertebral column, it transforms itself into Quetzalcoatl, into the marvellous bird of all
transformations, into the Minerva Bird whose terrific secrets cannot be revealed by any
initiate. Then, the sacred fire of the Holy Spirit flourishes upon our lips and is made verb.
Under the influx of our word, the fire, the air, the water and the earth will obey and adore us."
"And then you act, making art in an unpredictable world"
Anne Bogart
"If you can describe what you imagine, I believe that the universe will begin to find the
shapes to contain your dream. The effort it takes to imagine an action in the world or a project
or a dream house is the first step towards its realization. Describe it!"
"The etymology of "enthusiasm" is instructive. The word comes from the Greek expression
"to be filled with or possessed by god"
"A Director prepares 7 essays on art and theatre"
Anne Bogart
"Study is a fulltime engagement which includes reading books, reading people, reading
situations, reading about the past and reading the present. To study, you enter into a situation
with your whole being, you listen and then begin to move around inside it with your
imagination. You can study every situation you are in. You can learn life while life is
"Those who function out of fear, seek security, those who function out of trust, seek freedom."
(William Hurt)